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What is Puer?All puer tea comes from the southwest region of Yunnan, China There are two types of Puer sheng puer and shu puer Sheng puer is a simple nonoxidized tea whose finished product will change naturally over time Shu puer starts out as a sheng puer, but goes through one more deliberate and accelerated "posPuer definition an alkaline substance derived from the dung of dogs , formerly used to steep hides Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesPuer Personal Care Designed by Nature, for your protection PUER's range of personal care products cleans safely and softly With 9999 % germkill, our products deliver cleanliness, softness and freshness in one go PUER Hand Wash PUER Antiseptic Liquid Explore Now
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Pu'er, city, southern Yunnan sheng (province), China It is situated in a small basin among mountains some 5,000 feet (1,500 metres) in elevation, 19 miles (30 km) south of Ning'er (formerly Pu'er), the former centre of the Yunnanese tea trade, and about 355 miles (570 km) southwest of Founded in 1978, Puer University is a nonprofit public highereducation institution located in the metropolis of Pu'er (population range of 1,000,0005,000,000 inhabitants), Yunnan Officially recognized by the Department of Education of the Yunnan Province, Puer University is a coeducational Chinese higher education institutionPuer definition is a mixture (as of dogs' dung in water) formerly used by tanners for bating hides and skins after liming

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Puerh tea — or pu'er tea — is a unique type of fermented tea that's traditionally made in the Yunnan Province of China It's made fromPu erh tea, also written a pu'er (普洱茶 in Chinese), is a special type of tea that originates from China's Yunnan province This tea category is named after the city of puer It was around a 1000 years ago when the people and horses carried lots of tea bricks and cakes from pu'er to nearby regions including Bengal, Burma, Tibet andPuer tum fratribus, tum sororibus, tum parentibus, cunctae denique domui se praebet donum The child becomes a gift to its brothers, sisters, parents and entire family enwiktionaryorg lad noun Charlton T Lewis Less frequent translations show hide

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Excerpt from the book, Puer Aeternus A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood, by Jungian analyst MarieLouise von Franz, PhD Note Dr von Franz was the honorary patron of Inner City Books They published a version of this book under the title The Problem of the Puer Aeternus It is available new from Amazon and directly from InnerPuer Packed User Exhibition Resources(已打包的用户展览资源) 普洱茶 TeaCon 服务器数据包文件 & 资源包文件 & 配置文件 & 模组列表PUER Finland It's a band We make music every now and then

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